miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

Jet Boys

The Jet Boys took off in the late 80's after wild man Onoching cut his teeth with seminal female-fronted punk group Nickey & the Warriors. By the mid-90's, the Tokyo "Back from the Grave" scene had created a buzz from beyond which got acts like The's, Guitar Wolf and of course Jet Boys noticed overseas. The band subsequently released material in the US on Sympathy for the Record Industry and Black Lung Records. During the 90's Onoching played alongside Yoshiko (Ronnie) of The's and Drum Wolf in Pearl Schwartz, a band fronted by The Devil Dogs' Steve Baise. One of the legendary Japanese punk bands still playing regularly, The Jet Boys still shock audiences with a berserk stage show that includes mayhem, milk showers and daikon grating action. [SOURCE: PBS FM]

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