martes, 11 de junio de 2024

The Reverbs

The Reverbs was an American jangle pop band from Chicago, IL. Active in the early to mid 80s, the band featured John Brabeck (guitar, vocals, ex Drats!) and Ric Menck (drums, vocals). Rick Menck formed the groups The Springfields and Choo Choo Train with Paul Chastain in the mid-late 1980s. They then formed Velvet Crush and both moved to Providence, Rhode Island. 
The Reverbs only released the LP 'The Happy Forest', very much evocative of the mid-'80s college-rock scene, and filled with clanging, jangly guitars, reverb drenched vocals, and a herky-jerky rhythm section. Unfortunately, it isn't filled with many memorable songs or melodies. "Nevermore" is a keeper with its circling guitar line and give-and-take chorus, and the acoustic guitar in "Mumble" is a welcome break from all the tinny electric guitar, but overall the record sounds like a cheap knockoff of R.E.M.'s landmark debut 'Murmur'. [SOURCE: ALLMUSIC]

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