viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024

Active Dog

Active Dog were formed in 1978 when members of The Monitors -Bill Scherk, John Armstrong and Gord Nicholl– moved from Surrey/White Rock to Vancouver and formed a partnership with East Van musicicans Ross Carpenter, Robert Bruce and Terry Bowes. Active Dog quickly established themselves as a presence in the young Vancouver scene, thanks to a strong cache of original songs, solid musicianship, and an engaging front man in Bill Scherk (renamed Bill Shirt). Active Dog had two songs on the 'Vancouver Complication' LP, "Fun While It Lasts" and "Nothing Holding You". They also recorded a 7-inch single, 'Rat Race b/w Good Filthy Fun'; but by the time it was released the band had split up. after Gord Nicholl and Robert Bruce defected to The Pointed Sticks. John Armstrong, Bill Scherk, and Art Bergmann would reunite in Los Popularos. Armstrong would also form The Modernettes. [SOURCE: PUNK MOVIE AND NEW WAVE MUSIC DOCUMENTARY - BLOODIED BUT UNBOWED]

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