jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024

Mecanica Popular

Mecanica Popular were formed in 1979 by Eugenio Muñoz and Luis Delgado. They worked together as sound engineers at RCA Studios in Madrid, so they decide to start recording music based on tape manipulation with an “industrial” aesthetics, going back to the beginning of the 20th century, where the Russian “Futurists” (Mayakóvski, Burliuk, etc.) and the Italians (Marinetti, Balla, Carrá, etc.) were different from the “Previsionists” (Verne, Bellamy, Wells, etc.), proposing a more creative and extreme attitude in their principles. Futurism was based on the rejection of previous artistic schemes, proposing speed, dynamism and urban life as a source of inspiration. Taking all this as a simple aesthetic reference, they began to record songs for their first album '¿Qué Sucede Con El Tiempo?' released by DRO in 1984.
The LP received good reviews, entering the specialized lists of the United Kingdom, and receiving praises from avant-garde artists such as Carolyn Carlson. Three years later the duo released their second album, entitled 'Baku: 1922'. Inspired by the sounds of old printing presses, the title refers to the historic Industrial Music concert held that year in the aforementioned capital of Azerbaijan. It featured army cannons, harbor ship sirens, factory sirens, etc. After this work, there was a long break during which each of the members of the duo dedicated themselves to different activities within the musical field of production and research. In 2006 they begin to reconsider the possibility of recording a new work for Warner Music, which will be released in January 2010. In the same year the Austrian company N-norm signed a contract for the vinyl reissue of the first two albums. [SOURCE: LUISDELGADO.NET]

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